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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Let's Celebrate Nurses!

As we move into the "golden years" we seem to see more and more of the nursing profession. Nurses are the ones that often offer us a dose of love along with taking our temperature and blood pressure. Nurses often have to do the less pleasant tasks and they do it with love and care, making each person feel important and valuable. Recently, the Kentucky Holistic Nurses Association asked me to speak to their chapter meeting and the upcoming convention on May 12 at Indiana University Southeast. I will be leading groups in toning, chanting and drumming. Do join us if you can!
Celebrate National Nurses Week, May 6th through 12th! Visit to find out more information about this appreciation week and special giveaways. In this edition of the Healthcare Job Market eNewsletter, you will find interesting articles on: Advice for Healthcare New Grads – If you have recently graduated, or are preparing to graduate, read some helpful tips on how to look for a job and do well in years to come. Florence Nightingale – National Nurses Week is dedicated to Florence Nightingale, known as the founder of modern nursing. She established nursing as a respected profession, trained a generation of nurses, and emphasized the importance of proper hygiene and personalized care. Nursing’s OTJ Hazards – Nursing has its hazards, especially in hospitals, nursing care facilities, and clinics, where nurses may care for individuals with infectious diseases. But these risks carry a wide range and can include biological, chemical, ergonomic, physical, safety, and psychological dangers.


Moses Gunner said...

A Salute to Our Nurses, During National Nurse's Week

Donna Pikula said...

Hi Alice!

Good for you for spotlighting nurses! They certainly do deserve their own week to be celebrated. Even more importantly though, they need to be appreciated for the tough job they do everyday!

My walking buddy is a nurse and we have had many conversations about how more and more is expected of nurses all the time. In many hospitals they are expected to take care of more and more patients each shift so it is hard to give each patient all the care they need.

In addition, a local hospital is soon changing its delivery system. Instead of patients moving from one area of the hospital to another as they recover, they plan to keep patients in one location for their entire hospital stay. This means that nurses who are used to working in just one area like maternity or ICU will have to know how to take care of everyone! Even though they are being given additional training, many of the nurses my friend knows are terrified of their new responsibilities.

Nursing has become a very challenging career and we should all be thankful for those brave men and women who do the job so well!

Good for you Alice, for recognizing the nurses and finding ways to help them relax!

Donna Pikula