If you're here reading my blog then there's a good chance that either you're in your Golden Years or you have Golden Years friends. At the risk of making some rather broad generalizations, let me say that golden agers tend to have a little more leisure time. Another generalization might be that their health isn't quite as robust as it was in previous decades. Are you still with me? OK. Another supposition might be that with more leisure time and less physical stamina and energy, golden agers are looking for fun, every-changing, and free or affordable activities on a regular basis. Music can fill the bill every time. Even thought I'm "only" 59 I have noticed myself reminiscing far more than ever before. Music is always one of the triggers for my trips down memory lane.
My dearest friend is a woman who is 79! We are a generation apart and yet we know and love much of the same music. She has taught me tunes and I have taught her things about music. The point is, the musical repertoire is so vast, we could all probably sing 100 different songs every day for the rest of our lives and not repeat one!
So what are the benefits? When we sing songs we love, we breathe deeply and our blood becomes more oxygenated. Our brains get sharper and we feel better. Endorphins and serotonin floods our bodies and we eat better, sleep better and get along with our friends better.
My friend goes dancing with her 85 y.o. "beau" every Thursday and thoroughly enjoys it. I believe that this is happily extending the life of each of them. Soooo, are YOU listening to lots of music each day? Are you singing and dancing your way through your golden years? I sure intend to!
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