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Monday, October 16, 2006

Make some!

One of the things I've done to prepare for my "golden years" is to make lists of music that I want to hear if I should begin to get a little "foggy" or "forgetful." No one wants to think that might happen but I seen it happen to loved ones as well as to mothers, fathers, and older relatives of dear friends. There is so much research out there that says that the music of our "courting years" can help bring back memories of all kinds, even if the effect only lasts an hour or less. Imagine being able to have 15 minutes of lucidity in an otherwise foreign mental landscape! Money can't buy that but it seems that music can do it. So, I have lists of favorite hymns, pop songs, classical pieces, Christmas songs, etc, that I want my three daughters to play for me if the fog begins to descend. Don't you want to start making some lists right now? Alice

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